With the tragic loss of so many famous celebrities in 2016, it should be an indication that we cannot hold with absolute certainty how long we will live. As you start off the New Year, one resolution you can make to help protect your family and loved ones is to create a will. You might […]
Virtually every time I meet with people to make their will and powers of attorney, there is almost a palpable sense of relief when it is done. So many people say to me “wow, that was not as bad as I thought it would be”. People seem to store going to a lawyer to make […]
In some circumstances, I am recommending to my clients that they make more than one will. While I do charge extra for this service – it is only done in circumstances where having more than one will leads to considerable savings in estate and probate fees for my client. When a person passes away with […]
I am truly honoured to be guest blogging at the Alzheimer’s Society for Make a Will month (November) My blogs will appear on their site on November 1, 10, 14, 17, 21, and 24. I will let everyone know where the links are, when I have them. I am very excited for the opportunity. [email protected] […]
Exciting stuff. It is nice to finally have a website that doesn’t look like it was designed by a 5 year five old. Thanks to Jon at Blend360 Communications for all his hard work. Very excited with all of the developments here. Working on my blog posts for make a will month. I am guest blogging […]
56% of adult Canadians do not have a will. I find this statistic astonishing. I would guess that if you asked these people if they should have a will, most would agree that they should – even if they don’t exactly know why. In a nutshell, a will is so important for the following reasons: […]
That right there is a loaded question. I make my living making wills and powers of attorney, and charge a premium when my client wishes to prepare a living will along with these documents. It is therefore against my financial self interest to discourage people to make these documents. Yet I often, but not always […]
Part of planning your will involves deciding who you would like to have look after your children if you pass away before they reach the age of majority. As long as there is no other person entitled to custody (like another parent, or a person with a court order granting custody), then you may appoint […]
Wills and powers of attorney are, in my view an essential part of any estate plan. What about “Living Wills” and Advance Healthcare Directives? What is a Living Will (Advance Healthcare Directive)? A living will is a binding document that allows you to express your specific wishes about specific types of treatment. Unfortunately only morbid […]